Pittsboro's Pedestrian Plan is Available Online

The Pittsboro Pedestrian Transportation Plan is available online.  It's 98% complete and is expected to be adopted this spring.  The plan's vision statement:  

“Pittsboro’s vision is to develop a comprehensive and connected pedestrian network that provides safe access to homes, schools, workplaces, park and recreational facilities, and other important destinations as part of an active and walkable community. We envision children walking safely to school, seniors walking to nearby destinations, citizens moving safely in high traffic areas, tourists moving about community and downtown areas easily on foot, and motor vehicles driving at safe speeds in Pittsboro. Pittsboro’s goals and objectives will help guide town officials, staff, citizens, and other stakeholders to help make this vision a reality.”


  1. How about a bike plan? The bike lanes disappear in many places around town which encourages me to either 1. Risk my life or 2. Illegally ride on the sidewalks.

    I'll let you guess which once I choose!

  2. Jamie,

    This plan was funded by NCDOT's Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation. They also provide grant funding for bike plans and we'll definitely apply for that grant as well. It's already on our agenda, probably for the 2010 cycle. (no pun intended)


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