Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Vacancies

If you’re interested in improving the parks and recreation system in Pittsboro and care to contribute a few spare hours once a month, the Town would love for you to apply for a seat on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. As the name implies, this board advises the Town on parks and recreation related matters. For more information and to download an application click here.

The board meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm. We're looking for residents within the Pittsboro Town Limits as well as residents of our ETJ/ planing jurisdiction. If you're unsure of your residency status, just return an application and I'll look it up for you. Instructions on how to return the form electronically are on the last line of the form. Alternatively you can drop it off at the Pittsboro Town Hall. I look forward to hearing from you!


  1. The vacancies have been filled but we're still accepting applications for future openings. Thanks for the interest.


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