Grand Trees of Chatham Finds Potential State Champion Tree

The Grand Trees of Chatham may have located a State Champion Tree in this White Oak located near Mann's Chapel Road in Northeast Chatham County. This massive Oak has a whopping circumference of 261" (~6.9 feet in diameter), a height of 120', and a crown of about 116' in diameter.
Grand Trees of Chatham memberAndy Upshaw treehugging

The next step to determine if this gem is, in fact, a state champion is to have the State Forester come out and verify the findings.  Overall size is determined by a number of measurements which are combined to create a total tree score.  This tree's score is estimated to be 409 and the current state champion White Oak is 374. Learn more about how champion trees are measured here, or discover more about NC's Champion Big Tree Program here.

Whether it is the largest White Oak in the state or not, it's quite a specimen - something you don't see every day.

In related news; doubt that anyone tracks Champion Grapevines, but I found this huge one on a hike along the Haw River this past Saturday, well over a foot at the base.  It's nice to live in a Grand County.


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