Promoting Cycling & Walking Presentation at UNC

Ever wished that your home town could be as bike friendly as the great  European cities? If so, this free lecture might be just up your alley.

more great photos on this theme can be found here
Promoting Cycling and Walking for Sustainable and Healthy Cities: Lessons from Europe and North America by John Pucher

The presentation will cover:

What policies and programs are needed to make cycling and walking safe and convenient?

How do Dutch, Danish and German cities get virtually everyone (incl. women, children and seniors) on bikes for a wide range of trip purposes?

What can communities in North Carolina do to increase walking and cycling while also making them safer and more convenient for everyday travel to work, school, and shopping?

John Pucher's research focuses on walking and bicycling, with international comparative analysis that includes Australia, Canada, the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and several other European countries. The main objective of his research is to determine what American, Canadian, and Australian cities could learn from each other and from European cities to improve the safety, convenience, and feasibility of these non-motorized modes.  

The presentation will be held on Wednesday February 6 from 12:30-1:30 at the New East building room 211 on UNC's campus.  More info here.


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