Pittsboro by Gaslight - April 30, 2011 - Downtown

Parks logo to fit the Victorian theme of the Gaslight Circus.
The Pittsboro Parks and Recreation Department is a proud sponsor of the Pittsboro by Gaslight festivities to occur on April 30th, 2011 in Downtown Pittsboro.  The event is themed around Steam Punk/ Victorian aesthetics and encourages participants to imagine Pittsboro at the turn of the past century.

Events will start downtown around 2:00 and continue until around 8:00 PM.  A circus troop will provide street performances and several bands will play on an impromptu stage to be constructed on E. Salisbury Street.  Many downtown shops will feature special event themed activities.

Music continues afterwards at private venues such as the City Tap, General Store and Davenport and Winkleperry.  The Pittsboro Business Association has organized the event along with David Quick, lead singer of the Swang Brothers and event organizer extraordinaire.  For more information and schedule check out the Pittsboro by Gaslight website.


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